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——IIESS. Episode 8: Live Organ Harvesting Concentration Camp Exposed
Live Organ Harvesting Concentration Camp Exposed

【人民報消息】Ironclad Irrefutable Evidence Seminar Series Episode 8: Live Organ Harvesting Concentration Camp Exposed Ironclad Irrefutable Evidence Seminar Series(IIESS) Executive summary After former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) head Jiang Zemin launched the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999, the number of organ transplants in China increased exponentially at the same time. A large number of organ transplant centers and tissue typing centers were rapidly established. The participating medical units are located in all the provinces, central government-controlled municipalities and autonomous regions of mainland China. Almost all organ transplant institutions of the military, armed police and the organ transplant divisions of regional hospitals (medical centers) are suspected of involvement in the live organ harvesting, including a considerable number of hospitals unqualified to perform organ transplants, such as small and medium-sized hospitals and specialized hospitals. It is similar to what happened when the CCP was implementing the 「one child policy」. Almost all hospitals performed forced abortions back then. Today, all organ transplant institutions in China are involved in live organ harvesting for transplantation. Introduction to the Ironclad Irrefutable Evidence Seminar Series 「Ironclad Irrefutable Evidence」 is a Chinese and English documentary series exposing the CCP』s organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners in China. It is a collection of more than a decade of investigation by the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG). It includes recordings of evidence from five Committees of the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee: the former vice-chairman of the Military Commission, the former Minister of National Defense, the former head of health division of Department of the Central Military Commission, the Political Committee, and Legal Committee; the "610 Office," courts, on-site witnesses; and 45 hospital presidents, department directors, and doctors from 41 organ transplant hospitals in China. It is an informative resource that provides a comprehensive understanding and in-depth study of the CCP』s crime of live organ harvesting.

IIESS. Episode 8: Live Organ Harvesting Concentration Camp Exposed,活摘器官集中營曝光
文章網址: http://www.renminbao.com/rmb/articles/2022/6/24/74499.html



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