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——Ironclad Irrefutable Evidence Seminar Series, Episode 2 Shocking Live Organ Harvesting

【人民報消息】Ironclad Irrefutable Evidence Seminar Series, Episode 2 Shocking Live Organ Harvesting Executive summary: Mr. Lu Shuheng, a former Shanghai citizen currently residing in California, used his real name to report the CCP』s crime of organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners. He also disclosed that the Shanghai Armed Police Hospital did not use anesthetics when performing organ harvesting on a living Falun Gong practitioner, which was extremely cruel and tragic. The police there kidnapped a Falun Gong practitioner for an $80 reward without making any records and sent him directly to a secret detention place in Pudong. And Beijing』s central government often visited there to take away prisoners and conduct experiments on them. Introduction to the Ironclad Irrefutable Evidence Seminar Series 「Ironclad Irrefutable Evidence」 is a comprehensive Chinese and English-language documentary series systematically exposing the CCP』s genocidal state crime of live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in China. It presents the key evidence obtained from more than a decade of investigations by World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG). The phone investigation recordings presented include those of five former Chinese Politburo Standing Committee members, then Vice-Chair of the Central Military Commission, then Minister of National Defense, then head of the Health Division of the People』s Liberation Army』s Logistics Department, officials from the Political and Legal Affairs Commission, the 「610 Office」 system and courts, an eyewitness at a live organ harvesting site, as well as 45 presidents, directors and physicians from 41 hospitals across China. This series is an informative resource that enables its audience to gain a comprehensive understanding and to conduct an in-depth study of the CCP』s crime of live organ harvesting.

Ironclad Irrefutable Evidence Seminar Series, Episode 2 Shocking Live Organ Harvesting
文章網址: http://www.renminbao.com/rmb/articles/2021/12/9/73598.html



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