“同样的世界 同样的人权” “人权圣火中华行”多团体联合宣言
我们是关注中国人权状况和推动中国政治进步的组织、团体和力量。针对北京企图以举办2008年国际奥林匹克运动会掩饰暴政造成的恶劣人权问题,我们发起和推动了人权圣火全球传递活动。今天,我们在此庄严宣布,取自古希腊、走过大半个地球之后的人权圣火,即将进入中国大陆。中国人民将以传播人权圣火的方式,揭露中共暴政践踏人权的现实,并向世人表达中国人民维护人权、反抗中共暴政的决心和建立美好社会的理想。 为利用2008年奥运会改善其国际形象,腐败残暴的中共政权竟无耻地对世界温情喊话:同一个世界,同一个梦想。 我们传播人权圣火,就是要告诉中共政权和世界:我们心中与中共心中没有同一个梦想。因为我们不接受一个依靠谎言和暴力镇压不同意见维持统治和自私利益的中共政府;我们不接受一个由贪官、奸商和文痞,同谋压迫和盘剥正直人们和劳动大众的中共政府;我们不接受一个黑社会化、公民无选举罢免结社出版自由的中共政府;我们不接受一个让公民的人格尊严、精神信仰、人身安全和正当财产被肆意践踏和破坏的中共政府;我们不接受一个让耕者被剥夺土地、工人被剥夺劳动岗位、病人被剥夺医疗条件、孩子被剥夺上学机会的中共政府;我们不接受一个让社会混乱、道德沦丧、好人受气、坏人发迹的中共政府;我们不接受一个以武力威胁国际和平、以伪劣产品扰乱国际经济、以廉价奴工压垮人道主义正义社会的中共政府。 中共统治下的中国,仅仅是中共自己的美梦,不仅不是中国人的梦想,而是中国人乃至全人类的梦魇! 人权圣火在全球传播的同时进入中国,就是昭告天下我们的理想:同样的世界应当享有同样的人权;中国人民渴望享有人类政治文明进步早就确认的天赋人权! 人权圣火光芒中的理想中国,将是每个中国人能够尊严、安全、自由地生活和进出的国家,将是人民免除因言论、信仰、结社、出版等而遭受迫害的国家,将是政府由人民在公平竞争中选举产生、官员被人民监督的廉洁国家,将是耕者有其田、工者有其机会、学生可以读书、病者可以治病、全民可以分享发展成果的社会,将是司法清明、机会均等、社会公正、人心向善的文明礼仪之邦,将是善待友邻、维持世界正义和和平、全球华人可以为之自豪的精神故乡! 取自古希腊、走遍全球、即将在中国传播的人权圣火所载传的理想,不仅是人类在数千年的政治灾难和寻求建立美好社会的政治实践中得到的智慧结晶,以及人类政治进步早已确立的基本原则,而且是中华民族自古就有的民本思想在现代社会的衍生和发展,是中国进入现代化后十几代志士仁人为之牺牲奋斗的政治理念,是被中共建政扼杀后导致数千万人死亡和全体公民遭受迫害的沉重教训,是中国人民摆脱中共精神奴役和真正实现公正美好社会的希望。 历史告诉我们,一个公正清明的中国需要全体中国公民的参与和奋斗。我们呼吁,中国公民勇敢地欢迎人权圣火的到来,通过各种方式传播人权圣火,在中国大地掀起一场全民反抗中共暴政各种形式的迫害的正义弘波,以此向世人展示中国人不屈服于中共暴政和建立 美好社会的坚定决心和意志! 任何国家公民的权利被践踏,都是对人类社会正义和安全的威胁,这是经过两次世界大战后的人类的沉痛教训,也早被庄严地写入联合国人权宣言。我们希望,爱好正义和平的各国公民,从现在开始到8月底,以各种方式支持和帮助人权圣火在中国传播,不仅为中国人民、而且为全人类能够免除来自专制强权的恐惧创造必要的条件。 同样的世界,同样的人权! 让天赋人权的理念普遍世界! 让人权圣火照亮中华! “人权圣火中华行”共同发起: 法轮功受迫害真相联合调查团(CIPFG)亚洲分团副团长 香港前立法会议员 司徒华 魏京生基金会 主 席 魏京生 中国宪政协进会 主 席 王 丹 公民力量 主 席 杨建利 《北京之春》 主 编 胡 平 中国民主党联合总部(海外) 主 席 徐文立 自由中国平台 顾 问 王有才 民主中国阵线(民阵) 主 席 费良勇 中国民主联盟(中国民联) 主 席 薛 伟 中国民主联合阵线(民联阵) 主 席 林牧晨 中国自由民主党(自民党) 主 席 潘 晴 中国社会民主党 主 席 刘国凯 新闻自由导报 主 编 吴仁华 中国人权网络 发起人 盛 雪 网络文摘 主 编 徐水良 中国事务 主 编 伍 凡 未来中国论坛 发起人 梅凤杰(草庵居士) 中国反政治迫害同盟 主 席 刘因全 奥运自由衫运动 发起人 陈 凯 中国大陆政治避难者美西协会 主 席 莫逢杰 全美学生学者自治联合会 主 席 周 建 全德学生学者自治联合会 主 席 彭小明 中国青年民主同盟(法国) 负责人 张 健 民主中国促进会(香港) 发起人 甄燊港 中国自由文化运动 旅欧知识分子 群 代 表 仲维光 中国民主党世界同盟 主 席 王 军 中国民主党美国总部 主 席 刘东兴 中国民主党(法国) 主 席 吴 江 宪政民主论坛 主 任 王军涛 中国民主运动海外联席会议 全国维权抗暴连线 中国民主运动墨尔本联盟 美国国际出版社 香港中华民会 泰国中华民会 香港受难者索赔委员会 中国民主促进会澳门联络组 香港前途关注组 中国人权论坛(香港) 香港《中国之春》复刊筹备组 中国民主党香港党部 南方民主同盟 神州青年服务社 香港南方民主同盟 RebuildHK.com 网主 Freeman (英文版本: One World One Human Rights Joint Statement Human Rights Torch Relay in Mainland China We represent a collection of groups, organizations and people concerned with promoting progress in human rights in China as well as Chinese politics. Previously, we have started the Global Human Rights Torch Relay (HRTR) across the world to bring attention to the Chinese government's increasing abuse of human rights and its cover up at the dawn of the 2008 Olympics. Hereby, we solemnly declare that the Human Rights Torch, whose first flame was lit in Athens last August, will soon enter mainland China. The people of China will pass on the torch and expose the truth of the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) severe abuse of human rights. They will show the world's people how Chinese citizens long for human rights, detest the CCP's totalitarian rule, and wish for a better society. By using the 2008 Olympics to eulogize its international image, the Chinese Communist Party has shamelessly adopted the motto: “One World, One Dream”. Hence, we are passing on the Human Rights Torch across the world to tell the CCP and the world that we do not have the same dream as the CCP. We do not accept a China founded upon lies and brutal suppression, one that does not allow a second voice and is dedicated to the benefits of a single Party; we do not accept a corrupt government, one that does not allow freedom of election, impeachment, association or expression; we do not accept a China where farmers are robbed of their lands and workers of their positions, where the sick are deprived of access to health care and the young of their right to education; and we do not accept a China that threatens international peace with increasing armements, one that pollutes the world with substandard and toxic goods, and one that treads upon human rights and justice with forced labour. China’s dream solely belongs to the CCP itself. Under the iron fist of the CCP, not only is that dream far from every Chinese citizens’ mind but it has also become the nightmare of every Chinese including that of the people of the free world! With the Human Rights Torch's entry in China, as it travels the world far and wide simultaneously, we declare loud and clear: “Within one world, there should be one human rights for all! All Chinese citizens long for our God-given human rights!” Under the illumination of the Human Rights Torch, the Chinese people's dream of China shall be one where Chinese people can live, come and go with dignity, safety and freedom; it shall be one where no more blood will be shed for freedom of expression, speech, belief and association; it shall be a transparent nation where governmental representatives are born from fair elections and supervised by the people; it shall be one where every farmer has his land, every worker has his opportunity, every student has access to education, where the sick has access to health care, and where the entire population can share the fruits of its success; it shall be one where justice is upheld in the courts, where opportunities are equal, where the society is just and the people are kind – a “country of 礼仪之邦” as it was once known. It shall become a home that every Chinese people in the world can be proud of; one that maintains world justice and peace! After traversing the entire world from its birthplace in Athens, Greece, these goals that the Human Rights Torch brings with it in mainland China, are the essence of human civilization learnt from thousands of years of political disasters amidst human beings’ search for a better society. It is the basic yardstick for determining political betterment; it is a philosophy of honoring every individual in society deeply rooted in Chinese history; it is the dream that so many generations of our Chinese fathers have fought for; it is the deep and tragic lesson learnt from the CCP's totalitarian rule in which tens of millions have been killed; and it is the hope of every Chinese citizen—to free themselves from the CCP's psychological enslavement and tyrannical grip—to build a true and just society. History has taught us that such a China requires the participation and hard work of all Chinese citizens. Hence, we call upon all Chinese citizens to courageously join the Human Rights Torch and pass on the Torch the best way you can and any way you can. With this flame, we shall create a giant wave of rejection towards the CCP's dictatorship and demonstrate to the world our determined will never to bow to the CCP's dictatorship, as well as our will to build a better society! Trampling upon the human rights of citizens of any country is a threat to the fundamentals of justice, safety and integrity of human civilization. We have learned this as best as possible during the two world wars of the past century. It is for this reason that it has been championed in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We call upon the world’s people to support and help to pass on the Human Rights Torch in mainland China from now until the end of August—not just for Chinese citizens—but also to free the human world from another dictatorial disaster. One World, One Human Rights! Let our god-given rights be spread throughout the world! Let the Human Rights Torch Illuminate China! Co-signers:)