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中國過渡政府作爲民主大變革的政治意志的標誌,作爲徹底否定中共暴政,創建憲政民主和聯邦中國的政治意志的象徵。中國過渡政府的運作將從小到大,從虛到實,目前首先在解體中共進程中起到象徵和指導作用。在各界的支持下,中國過渡政府儘快創造條件,統籌協調,號令天下。在海外,中國過渡政府是一個洲際性的非贏利性組織。中國過渡政府在大陸落地前,對政府成員的國籍,身份,年齡等,沒有特別要求,但是必須是明確退出中共,對中共的邪惡有清晰認識和絕不向中共妥協的志同道合,互相信任的仁人志士組成。中國過渡政府的政治態度由成立宣言,政府新聞公告 總統令等組成。













1 .以人民維護基本人權,抗爭暴政的活動爲主體,聯合中共黨內、政府內、軍隊內追求自由民主的仁人志士,最終形成人民全面反抗的社會政治活動,運用現代人類理性和良知允許的一切方式,徹底否定中國官僚集團極權專制政治,爲創建憲政民主的聯邦中國掃清政治障礙。

2 .根據"主權在民"原則、現代法律精神、權力分立制衡的原理,創建憲政民主體制;根據民族和地區自治與共和的精神,創建中國聯邦。



1 .廢止國家權力實際歸中共官僚集團私有的政治制度,建立以主權在民原則和權力分立制衡原則爲基礎的憲政民主。

2 .廢止中共官僚集團以國家的名義壟斷土地所有權的制度,即廢止實質上的中共官僚集團的土地私有制,通過公正、公平的土地分配過程,建立平等保障每一箇中國公民土地所有權能力的制度。

3 .廢止中共暴政的以腐敗權力爲軸心,以權錢交易爲基本特徵的權貴市場經濟體制,消滅財富和權利的極端兩極分化的根源,建立以民事權利平等爲基礎的、體現公平競爭和人道原則的自由市場經濟。

4 .廢止適合於中共官僚集團極權統治和對少數民族實施文化性種族滅絕的國家形態,建立以各民族和各地區自治爲基礎的聯邦共和體制。













1 .在中共暴政以國家恐怖主義性質的暴力爲後盾,運用專制的立法權、行政權、司法權剝奪人民各項基本人權情況下,人民有權超越中共專制惡法的限制,運用自己確定的方式,維護基本人權,反抗暴政。

2 .在中共暴政直接運用軍隊、警察、監獄等國家暴力,鎮壓人民維護基本人權,抗爭暴政的正義行動的情況下,人民擁有進行正當防衛和起義的權利,人民擁有通過起義否定中共暴政的權利。




















媒體聯繫: 伍凡 +1 626-458-1020
email:[email protected]

袁紅冰 +61-407 506 525


Declaration on the Founding of the China Interim Government

On the eve of a democratic reform in Chinese society, we firmly decided to form the China Interim Government as a monument of the political will for democratic reform, and a monument of the political will to thoroughly annihilate the Chinese Communist Party』s (CCP) tyrannical regime, and to create a constitutional democracy and federally-ruled China.

The CCP bureaucracy established a one-party, authoritarian system through violence and through state terrorism. It completely denies the principle that 「Sovereignty belongs to the People.」 The CCP tyrannical regime represents a police state that has completely deprived the people of their rights to political choice. The CCP monopoly of state power is against the spirit of modern law and thus is not legitimate in any sense. China』s current political system is essentially the CCP』s illegal private ownership of state power.

The whole history of the CCP has proven that the extreme form of totalitarian Marxism-Leninism autocracy constitutes as the CCP』s fundamental political will. The CCP』s past rule in China of more than half a century is a process of turning China into a spiritual and cultural colony of Marxism-Leninism. The CCP is nothing more than a political agent of Marxism-Leninism-implemented, absolute mind control in China. In a spiritual sense, the CCP is a foreign regime that exercises political slavery and colonial rule over the Chinese people. The Chinese people have long ago been reduced to the politically and culturally conquered people.

The CCP's entire history is proof that the regime is historically the most thorough traitor group in China. For the sake of the survival and security of the CCP』s totalitarian dictatorship, the CCP has ceded large pieces of our territory to foreign countries and signed international treaties to recognize the legitimacy of Russian occupation of a vast territory in China』s history. Even more unforgivable is the CCP's betrayal of the motherland』s culture. China's history since the CCP seized power is not only a process of turning China into a spiritual and cultural colony of Marxism-Leninism, but is also a process for having destroyed China traditional culture in the name of Marxism-Leninism.

The entire history of the CCP using political violence to monopolize state power has proven that the CCP is a criminal group, exhibiting characteristics of state terrorism whose group members have committed crimes against humanity. Societal tragedies in modern Chinese society are all political outcomes of the CCP』s dictatorship. The CCP bureaucracy uses its autocratic powers to commit crimes against humanity, including slaughtering and enslaving the people, political persecution, ethnic genocide and cultural and spiritual genocides, mass torture, looting social and civil wealth, and so on. Tens of millions of Chinese people have lost their lives in various tragedies that the CCP dictatorship has created.

China』s current situation is another example of the CCP being a political mafia that relies on violence and lies to safeguard its totalitarian dictatorship. The CCP』s political and moral foundation have collapsed. The CCP's only political intention lies in its use of corrupt power to grab privileged interests. In order to achieve its political intention of anti-people and anti-society, the CCP makes use of the armed forces, the police, special agents, prisons and forced labor camps to carry out a mafia-style rule, resulting in widespread and numerous incidents of injustice and in the plight of people who have been wronged. Government officials and bandits collaborate to do harm to the people. Social justice has vanished without a trace.

China』s current state of affairs demonstrates further that the CCP is a group of dishonest and corrupt officials, a criminal group, guilty of corruption and accepting bribes. The CCP-promoted economic reform, as some people would believe, makes it impossible to establish a free market economy. A fair, free market economy can only be established based on the rule of law, in which all legal rights are equally applied to all, and yet the CCP-stipulated, one-party authoritarian system of law certainly belongs to autocratic draconian laws; such laws are to maintain the privileges of the ruling class. Autocratic draconian laws prevent the recognition of the principle of rule of law in reality, where all citizens』 legal rights are equal.

The CCP-led economic reforms have eventually formed a crony capital market system. This is an economic mechanism where the corrupt officials take advantage of the corrupt power to form an alliance with unscrupulous merchants, to loot social wealth and ordinary people』s wealth under the guise of legality.

The CCP's tyrannical economic system uses corrupt authoritarian powers as the axis and is trading power for money as its lubricant for operation. Such a market economy controlled by the powerful privileged class is bound to lead to the extreme polarization of wealth and rights. It will certainly create a paradise for those members of the privileged class who possesses power and influence in the Communist Party, including unscrupulous merchants who are affiliated with the CCP. The ordinary citizens would be plunged into relatively or absolutely poverty-stricken states.

The history written in blood and iron-cast facts proves that the CCP bureaucracy is the root cause of China』s sufferings, the root cause of crimes against humanity and social tragedies, and the root cause of social injustice. The CCP is the source of all evil and the enemy of the people. Only by completely annihilating the CCP's authoritarian rule can China be free from the specter of spiritual and cultural Marxism–Leninism ideology, and can we reconstruct the spirit of China culture and achieve the social ideal for the Chinese people』s general freedom and happiness.

The China Interim Government establishes the following two basic political tasks conforming to the people』s will, public opinion and historical tide:

1. Take people』s activities of safeguarding fundamental human rights and resisting the tyranny as the main body; unite people of lofty ideals who pursue freedom and democracy from inside the CCP and the government and military, to ultimately form social and political activities for the people』s comprehensive resistance; adopt all possible means that modern human rationality and conscience allows and thoroughly annihilate the Chinese bureaucracy's totalitarian autocratic politics, and clear away political obstacles for the creation of a Federal China of constitutional democracy.

2. Create a system of constitutional democracy, according to the principle that 「sovereignty belongs to the people,」 the modern legal spirit and theories of separation, checks and balances of power; create a Chinese Federation, according to the spirit of autonomy and republic of ethnicities and regions.

All political objectives of the China Interim Government can be summarized as follows: dispel Marxist-Leninist ideals, reconstruct China; negate the tyranny and establish civil rights; adopt a rule by law, protect human rights; freedom and democracy, create a constitutional government; autonomy of ethnicities, and a federal republic.

The completion process for the above-mentioned basic political tasks of the China Interim Government is also an inevitable process of thorough social transformation. Contemporary China』s social transformation should conform the four basic principles as follows:

1. Abolish the political system in which the state power is actually possessed privately by the CCP's bureaucracy and establish a constitutional democracy based on the principle that 「sovereignty belongs to the people」 and the principle of checks and balances, or the separation of powers.

2. Abolish the CCP's monopoly of land ownership in the name of the country, that is, actually repeal the CCP's private ownership of land through a just and equitable land distribution process; establish a system that equally protects every Chinese citizen』s capability of land ownership.

3. Abolish the crony economic market system that uses the corruption of power as the axis and looks at trading power for money as its basic characteristic; eradicate the root cause of extreme polarization of wealth and rights, and establish a free-market economy that is based on equality of civil rights and reflects fair competition and principle of humanity.

4. Abolish the totalitarian rule of the CCP bureaucratic regime that implements cultural genocide against ethnicities, and establish a federal republic system that is based on the autonomy of ethnicities and regions.

The above-mentioned four principles for political and social transformation can be summarized as the four policies of the China Interim Government, that is, 「returning rights to people,」 「returning the land to people,」 「returning the wealth to the people,」 and establishing a republic of all ethnic groups.

After the China Interim Government completes the above-mentioned two basic political tasks, the China State Policy and Power Supervision Congress will immediately authorize the interim President to announce the dismissal of the China Interim Government.
The CCP dictatorship makes use of its political power of state terrorism, rejects the principle that 「Sovereignty belongs to the people,」 completely deprives the people of their right of political choice. Therefore, prior to the collapse of the CCP tyranny, the legitimacy of any political power and political entity has been unable to achieve a fair, open and free election that reflect the Chinese people』s political will. Under such circumstances, the legitimacy of the China Interim Government originated from the basic political tasks of the Interim Government, and its understanding and principles on state power.

The principal political task of the China Interim Government is to adopt all possible means that modern human rationality and conscience allow and to thoroughly annihilate the CCP tyranny, that is, to abolish the illegal private ownership of the state power by the CCP bureaucratic regime, and abolish all legal systems that are affiliated with this political system.

One of the major political objectives of negating the CCP tyranny lies in establishing a constitutional democracy that takes the concept that 「Sovereignty belongs to the People」 as its principle, and thereby establish the legitimacy of China』s future state power on the basis of all Chinese citizens』 political rights of choice. This means that the basic political objective of the China Interim Government is to create a legitimate basis for state power that is consistent with modern spirit of rule by law.

Without the people』s consent, there will be no person who controls state power; the people』s political right of choice constitutes the foundation of the legitimacy of state power—this is the initial and final political principle of the China Interim Government and a political belief that never changes. Therefore, the China Interim Government makes this historic statement to the people, as follows:

The China Interim Government will absolutely never pursue a monopoly of state power and absolutely never seek to obtain the state power through a great social reformation. The ultimate goal of the China Interim Government is only confined to establishing a political order of a constitutional democracy and return to the people the political right of choice that the CCP tyranny has taken away from them.

Once this objective is accomplished, the China State Policy and Power Supervision Congress will immediately authorize the President to announce the dismissal of the China Interim Government and hold a general election to fulfill the principles of 「returning the power to people」 and of 「returning rights to people.」 In a future China where the system of constitutional democracy is accomplished, any person or any party that controls state power, must be placed under the people』s right to political choice, and the people』s right to political choice must be reflected practically and effectively through open, fair, free and regular elections.

The above-mentioned political tasks set up by the China Interim Government and the position and principle of treating the state power constitutes the solid foundation for the legitimacy of the China Interim Government.

All those people who have been killed, destroyed, bullied, trampled and insulted by the CCP tyrannical regime are the great social forces for China's great democratic transformation. The social foundation for the great democratic transformation in China is composed of the following groups: 900 million peasants who are deprived of land ownership and considered 「pariahs;」 farm laborers in cities who comprise the groups of contemporary slaves, deprived of their basic human rights; laid-off workers from state-owned enterprises who are deprived of basic living conditions; millions of civilians who appeal their injustice created by corrupt officials; the relocated households whose domicile in the city and countryside were appropriated and demolished and who are deprived of their rights to living quarters; ex-servicemen who retired from the military and could not find a job; the graduated university students who could not find a job after their graduation; private entrepreneurs, industrialists and businessmen whose resources have been snatched by corrupt officials at all levels, common soldiers and low level officers who were bullied and suppressed at the hands of the military bureaucracy; people who suffer political persecution because of their insistence on freedom of thoughts, freedom of speech and freedom of belief; the CCP members and officials who were persecuted because of their expression of political and democratic ideas and who desire a correct social conscience; officials who were purged in the battle for power within the CCP』s system and see through the CCP』s tyranny and the anti-human core; and other Chinese people who are unwilling to become political slaves. The China Interim Government, focusing on the establishment of a free China, will become a symbol of political will for great democratic transformation.

The people have become aware over the past half a century that the CCP's arbitrary regime is the violence source of state terrorism. The state violence controlled by the CCP regime is the source crime, terror and bitterness. Only completely negating the CCP』s tyrannical regime and depriving the CCP's bureaucracy of its ability to control the state violence, can China break free from the state violence. In this moment when great democratic transformation will begin in China to alter the course of history, the China Interim Government restates the following natural and just rights that belong to the people:

1. The CCP』s tyrannical regime uses state terrorism and violence as its backing and uses despotic legislation, administration and jurisdiction to deprive people of various basic human rights. Under these circumstances, people have the right to transcend the restrictions of the CCP』s despotism and evil laws and manage to use their own ways to maintain their basic human rights and resist the tyranny.

2. The CCP』s tyranny directly uses state violence, such as army, police and prisons to suppress people safeguarding basic human rights and the just actions of resisting the tyranny. Under these circumstances, people have the rights of self-defense and revolting, and have the rights of negating the tyranny through revolting.

Safeguarding basic human rights, resisting tyranny and violent suppression through self-defense and utilizing national revolt to dissolve the CCP』s regime are two political rights of oppressed people. They are natural, righteous and conform to the spirit of modern laws and they are people』s legal political coercive power. Only when people』s legal political coercive power is realized by history both theoretically and practically can the CCP』s arbitrary state violence be negated. In the face of the tyranny, people giving up their legal political coercive power means they give up everything. In a sense, great democratic transformation is the people's social impetus to achieving their legal political coercive power.

During different historical eras, people with lofty ideals inside the CCP have risen to resist the CCP』s arbitrary despotism and called for freedom and democracy. These people』s final tragedies have exactly verified their bravery and loftiness. It is also a manifestation that the CCP is unable to carry out political reform that leads to freedom and democracy. Through great democratic transformation in this present age to negate the CCP』s tyranny- this arbitrary regime』s last political foundation-is the requirement of humanity to progress during this time.

The CCP has completely lost its political will and political capacity to conduct political reform. Under this circumstance, spreading the illusion of political reform will distort the historic facts, which will only hinder the formation of political will for great democratic transformation and make the CCP』s tyrannical regime continue to exist.

The CCP bureaucrat group brings national violence into play to the extreme extent, polarizes the wealth and power and also brings about the societal inequity to an extreme extent. It would all mean betraying justice if, in the present scenario, we appeal to obey the tyrannical regime, become reconciled with the regime, compromise with the regime or forgive the tyranny. Doing so would delay the emergence of great democratic transformation, and prolong the disgrace of China being the spiritual and cultural colony of Marxism-Leninism and prolong Chinese people』s tribulations.

The China Interim Government declares to history and calls upon the Chinese people:

Absolutely do not obey the rule of the tyrannical regime, because by doing so it would mean forever being the political slaves of the totalitarian dictatorship. Absolutely do not reconcile with the CCP, because any reconciliation would mean to turn one』s back against the miseries China has suffered and to acknowledge the unfairness of the reality in China. Absolutely do not make any compromise with the tyrannical regime, because there is no possibility for compromise between freedom and slavery. Absolutely do not forgive the regime, because not all evils can be forgiven, and the unforgivable crimes against humanity committed by the CCP regime have already ruled out its eligibility to be forgiven. Therefore, we especially call upon all people who have joined the CCP, the Communist Youth league and Young Pioneers at various times to openly quit this evil organization and make a good choice for a bright future for themselves and for the nation.

Absolutely do not obey, do not reconcile, do not compromise, and do not forgive, until the bureaucratic clique of the CCP as a criminal organization is brought to justice for crimes against humanity. The trial of the CCP tyrannical regime will serve as the victorious symbol of the great democratic transformation, and will also mark the starting point of the restoration of social justice in China.

History has no longer placed any hope in the CCP regime. However, in order to reduce the price the Chinese nation and society pays during the process of democratic transition, the China Interim Government is still willing to issue the following final warnings to Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao, the highest party and government authorities of the CCP tyrannical regime:

The only option of self-salvation for Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao is to quickly wake up to your errors and make a clean break with your past, to abandon the evil and do good, and to disintegrate the tyrannical regime on your own accord. Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao must make an immediate start by removing the spies who are controlling the Internet, lifting the ban on speech and the newspaper and giving back the freedom of speech to the people; Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao must stop the persecution of all people who pursue spiritual freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of belief and freedom of religion by immediately stopping the persecution of Falun Gong and Family Churches as a starting point. Having implemented the above-stated two specific actions to abandon the evil and do good, Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao must start the procedures for comprehensive political reforms.

Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao must understand that, when they inherited the highest authorities in the Party and regime, they also inherited the political debts of the regime; they must take responsibility for all the crimes against humanity committed by the regime for over half a century. If Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao do not show any intention or take any action to atone for their crimes in the historical process of the great democratic transformation in Chinese society, then their unavoidable fate could only be to be brought to justice together with the CCP regime.

With the compelling general trend and time, Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao have only this last chance to choose which course to follow. We hope that you will look out for yourselves.

Dictators may control the historical destiny within a certain time, but the will of the people will finally decide the direction of historical developments. Presently, the great democratic transformation has already become the desire of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people. The China Interim Government complies with the will of the people and pushes forward the process of such a transformation.

The China Interim Government will step by step announce proposals for future democratic China』s state system, political reforms, social reforms, economic reforms and proposals for national referendum and election procedures, so as to enable the whole nation to form a common understanding about the great historical progress of establishing a democracy in China.

The China Interim Government plays its hope on the Chinese people』s campaign to 「safeguard basic human rights and resist the CCP tyranny,」 and will guide the campaign to develop into a social historical campaign of the whole nation standing up against the regime.

Under necessary circumstances, the China Interim Government will issue orders to require the Chinese army servicemen who are loyal to the people to form a 「Headquarters of the Chinese National Defense Force for the Establishment of Democracy,」 to decisively deploy political coercive power, with minimal social disturbance and national sacrifice, to deprive the CCP regime of the controlling power over the fate of the Chinese nation, and to clear away political obstacles in the process of establishing democracy.

History has tolerated the CCP』s tyranny for far too long; the people have endured the miseries for far too long; China has connived with the evil for far too long; and society has lost justice for far too long. The tyrannical regime must be dissolved and miseries must end. The evil must be put on trial and justice must be restored. These constitute the main theme of the next course of China』s history. After this historical course completes her lofty mission, the Chinese people will forever extricate themselves from the political slavery status under the CCP regime and become free people.

The complete political pursuit of the China Interim Government lies in freedom of China. The political authorities of the China Interim Government will definitely be acknowledged by the people in the process of pursuing freedom for China.

Members of the China Interim Government will fight to the end with the tyranny, and will never change this will no matter how many hardships and dangers she may experience. Chinese compatriots, please hold firm in your belief: The tyrannical regime will definitely be defeated and freedom will be triumphant.

[This document was drafted by China State Policy and Power Supervision Congress Chairman Yuan Hongbing, reviewed and amended by the Preparatory Committee for the China Interim Government. President of the China Interim Government Wu Fan signed and promulgated the document.]

media contact: Wu Fan +1 626-458-1020
email:[email protected]

Yuan Hongbin +61-407 506 525

Internet: http://www.chinainterimgov.org




文章網址: http://www.renminbao.com/rmb/articles/2007/12/31/46473.html



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