
【人民報消息】這是一部中、英雙語版系統地揭露中共活摘法輪功學員器官國家羣體滅絕犯罪的大型教學片。影片呈現了追查國際十多年來對中共活摘調查的主要證據。其中包括對5名中共中央政治局常委、軍委副主席、國防部長、軍方總後勤部衛生部部長、政法委、「610」、法院、活摘現場目擊者、全國41家器官移植醫院的45個院長、主任、醫生等調查錄音。是全面了解和深入研究中共活摘罪行的大型速成資料片。 第12集 內容提要 Executive summary: 美國前副總統迪克切尼,2012年3月24日等了近2年獲得一個器官,當時美國有1.2億自願捐獻人羣 ,有發達的網路調配系統。 中國上海第一人民醫院,2003年爲一名普通病人作腎移植,2個月用了8個腎測試。可是,中國2005年以前,沒有公民自願捐獻的記錄。 2013年前也沒有全國網路調配系統。 中國上海第一人民醫院的這臺器官移植手術時間,先於美國9年,各種條件遠遠落後於美國,可是,供體器官卻出奇的多,中美器官等待時差100倍! Former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney waited for almost two years to obtain an organ on March 24, 2012. In the United States at that time, there were 120 million voluntary donors and an advanced organ deployment network system. In China, in 2003, a patient got 8 organs in 2 months, which implies one organ per week. However, before 2005, There were very few records of voluntary donations from citizens. There was also no national online matching system until 2013. The Shanghai First People's Hospital in China started doing operations 9 years earlier than the United States. However, the large number of donor organs and 100 Times Less Average Wait Time between the United States and China 《鐵證如山-系列講座》簡介 這是一部中、英雙語版系統地揭露中共活摘法輪功學員器官國家羣體滅絕犯罪的大型教學片。影片呈現了追查國際十多年來對中共活摘調查的主要證據。其中包括對5名中共中央政治局常委、軍委副主席、國防部長、軍方總後勤部衛生部部長、政法委、“610”、法院、活摘現場目擊者、全國41家器官移植醫院的45個院長、主任、醫生等調查錄音。是全面了解和深入研究中共活摘罪行的大型速成資料片。 「Ironclad Irrefutable Evidence」 is a Chinese and English documentary series exposing the CCP』s organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners in China. It is a collection of more than a decade of investigation by the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG). It includes recordings of evidence from five Committees of the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee: the former vice-chairman of the Military Commission, the former Minister of National Defense, the former head of health division of Department of the Central Military Commission, the Political Committee, and Legal Committee; the "610 Office," courts, on-site witnesses; and 45 hospital presidents, department directors, and doctors from 41 organ transplant hospitals in China. It is an informative resource that provides a comprehensive understanding and in-depth study of the CCP』s crime of live organ harvesting.

【鐵證如山系列講座】第12集 中美器官等待時差100倍 Episode 12: 100 Times Less Average Wait Time