电子报 正體版




4 月4日法轮大法学会和明慧网成立了赴中国调查迫害法轮功真相委员会,要求全面调查中共关押法轮功学员的劳教所、监狱和医院等相关设施。我们欢迎国际组织包括美国政府加入这个独立调查团,提供相关的技术支持和安全保障,并帮助监测中国劳教所等地的大规模人员异动。(中共暴行犯下的是反人类罪,国际社会有不可推卸的责任进行取证。而现在,按中共的流氓本性,在3周的沉默之后到苏家屯取证已毫无实际意义,证据早已被销毁、转移一空。)

美国一直以尊重人权而著称, 这也是美国的立国之本。


1. 要求中共立即无条件的开放所有劳教所、监狱和医院,以供国际社会进行独立全面的调查。

2. 释放所有被关押的法轮功学员.

3. 法办所有参与犯罪的组织和人员,匡扶正义。


Open Letter to President George Bush
New Zealand Falun Dafa Association
Dear Honourable President Mr. George Bush:

We are New Zealand Falun Gong practitioners. We learn that Mr. Hu Jingtao, the Chinese President is going to visit the United State in the next few days. We, as Falun Gong practitioners, hereby urgently ask for your help.

Since March 2006, several witnesses stepped forward to testify that there are many death camps in China performing live organ extraction on Falun Gong prisoners of conscience. It was testified that after Falun Gong practitioners’ organs were cut out, some of these people were thrown directly into the crematorium to be burnt, thus leaving no evidence. No word could express our sadness and grievance. The evil Chinese Communist Party is challenging the dignity of all human beings. If we could not stop this atrocity, the entire civilized world will be pinned down on the pillar of shame and we could not label us as a decent human being.

We know many western countries have private human right talk with the Chinese Communist Party regime while they are having business talks. Reality shows this policy is a complete failure. The western countries are cheated by the Chinese Communist Party, the most vicious party in the world. The Chinese Communist Party will ignore any private human rights talk that carries no international pressure. We are sad to see that many countries pretend to care about the human rights issue in China, but what they real care is only economic benefit. Their human rights talk is real insincere.

On 4th of April, Falun Dafa Association initiated the InternationalCommittee to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong On-site in China(ICIPO), requesting a comprehensive investigation to force labor camps,jails and hospitals where detain Falun Gong practitioners. We welcome any international organizations including US government to join in and provide related technological support and safety protection, and furthermore, help detect large-scale and abnormal movements in places like force labor camps in China. The CCP has committed anti-human crimes. International society has a responsibility to get evidences. However, currently there won't be any real meaning to go to Sujiatin because the evidences have been either destroyed or transferred after CCP's three-week silence, knowing the scoundrel nature of CCP.

USA has long been outstanding for her respecting human rights, which is also the foundation of America. At this critical and historical moment, we hope US government develop its due function on exposing CCP's anti-human atrocities, bring up these solemn and just points during Hu Jintao's visit:

1. Open up all of China's labor camps/jails/hospitals for international independent investigation.
2. Release all Falun Gong practitioners detained.
3. Bring all involved organizations and individuals to justice.
New Zealand Falun Dafa Association




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