加拿大國會議員 Ed Fast。


◎ 12月15日收到了加拿大總理斯蒂芬.哈珀的賀信,讚賞加拿大華人對國家所作的貢獻。哈珀在信中說,「新唐人電視臺將美妙的傳統中國文化展現給加拿大的觀衆,他們的付出和努力很值得讚賞。」

◎ 加拿大總理國會祕書傑森.肯尼: 「我很高興祝福每個人有一個快樂成功和幸運的豬年,我希望大家在新唐人舉辦的華人新年晚會上好好的慶祝一番。」


◎ 加拿大聯邦財政部長Jim Flaherty:「我祝願新唐人電視臺的全球觀衆擁有一個愉快的新年。 並祝願大家在新的一年裏有所收穫、心想事成。」

◎ 加拿大國會議員 Ed Fast: 「謝謝你們邀請我參加全球華人新年晚會。你們建設了我們的國家,認同加拿大的價值觀-自由,寬容,熱愛家庭並彼此互相尊重。更重要的是,你們珍惜我們的民主傳統價值觀,這使得加拿大成爲這方面的世界典範。我祝大家在新的一年裏欣欣向榮。新年快樂。」

◎ 加拿大國會議員Nina Grewal:「……2007年,新唐人全球華人新年晚會再一次證明是對真正的中國文化價值的舉世聞名的慶祝。這個獨一無二的演出使世界各國的人民都能欣賞到中國悠久的歷史和文化。2007年,(溫哥華)五千多位觀衆將現場觀賞到一臺集教育意義和娛樂性於一身的豐富的演出,給予中國人和擁有其他不同文化背景的人們以高度的精神享受。……

◎ 加拿大國會議員Peter Julian: 「……2007年,新唐人全球華人新年晚會再一次證明是對真正的中國文化價值的舉世聞新唐人晚會則提供一個展示博大和古老的傳統中華文化藝術的管道,使東西方觀衆都受益。這是在傳遞一個關於融合和欣賞多元文化社區價值的資訊。我爲這場專業化的藝術表演喝采。這臺晚會迅速的取得了國際上的尊敬,因爲它有助於更深的了解和聯接中國文化和華人社區。我祝福每個人有一個愉快的成功的2007 年。」

加拿大國會議員Peter Julian。

◎ 加拿大國會議員Blair Wilson: 「我祝每個人度過一個安全愉快的節日和收穫的新年。現在是家庭團聚同慶、祈禱和平和相互祝福的時候,讓我們共同攜手開創一個新的充滿活力的積極的新年。我也向新唐人全球華人新年晚會獻上最美好的祝福,相信晚會一定非常精彩。祝大家新年愉快!恭喜發財!」

◎ 加拿大卑詩省省議員Jagrup Brar: 「祝全體華人兄弟姐妹們新年快樂,也祝新唐人全球新年晚會取得最大的成功!」

◎ 加拿大卑詩省省議員Raj Chouhan:「我祝大家有一個非常愉快的新年。我也鼓勵大家都來參加新唐人電視臺主辦的一月三號女皇劇院的新年慶祝活動。我認爲這將是一場最精彩壯觀的演出。」

◎ 加拿大卑詩省立即行動廳廳長Gordon Hogg: 「祝華人新年快樂, 恭喜發財! 我祝新唐人全球華人新年晚會舉辦成功!」

◎ 本拿比市市長Derek Corrigan:「……2007年,新唐人全球華人新年晚會再一次證明是對真正的中國文化價值的舉世聞我非常高興代表本拿比市議會和市民,向新唐人電視臺和它所舉辦的2007年全球華人新年晚會表示祝賀!新唐人電視臺每年舉辦的這一激動人心的全球華人新年盛會集合了最美好的中國音樂和舞蹈,展現給東西方觀衆復醒的傳統中國文化中的傳奇、傳說和神聖的美。新唐人電視臺在華人和西方社會間培育了相互的理解並協助促進中國文化的傳播,從而補充了色彩斑斕的加拿大多元社會的力量……」

本拿比市市長Derek Corrigan。

◎ 加拿大總工會主席Kenneth Georgetti: 「我祝所有的新唐人電視臺觀衆新年快樂,也祝新唐人華人新年晚會成功。我希望每個人都度過一個精彩的豬年。」

◎ 加拿大原著民聯合酋長Phil Fontaine:「……2007年,新唐人全球華人新年晚會再一次證明是對真正的中國文化價值的舉世聞我代表加拿大六百三十三個原著民團體和居住在加拿大的10萬原著民,祝新唐人華人新年晚會成功,恭喜發財。祝所有居住在加拿大、美國和中國的華人兄弟姐妹們有一個快樂 、成功和健康的豬年!」

◎ 加拿大猶太人理事會太平洋地區主席Mark Weintraub:「恭喜發財!我很榮幸能代表卑詩省猶太人社區忠心祝願大家健康,富裕,友愛。我們非常高興能看到新唐人電視臺的全球華人新年晚會。我們期待着不同種族,不同背景的朋友們和我們一起慶祝普世價值並共同承擔我們在人權方面所擔負的責任。

◎ 加拿大前國會議員Simma Holt: 「我非常榮幸能向大溫哥華地區華人社區說一聲:恭喜發財!同時也歡迎來自紐約的新唐人華人新年晚會來溫哥華演出。無論我們來自哪個國家、那個民族,我們的生活都會因今晚在女皇劇院上演的這場新年晚會的魅力而變得更加充實。在這裏我衷心地祝願在這新年伊始的時刻,每一個人享有和平、喜悅、富有和正義。

◎ 臺北經濟文化辦事處處長羅由中:「一年將近,又到了聖誕新年的假期,我在此恭祝大家聖誕快樂新年進步,謝謝」。

◎ 溫哥華教育局副主席李松:「具有世界級專業水準的新唐人華人新年晚會,由上百位著名藝術家參演,橫跨四個洲26個城市全球巡迴演出,預期觀衆人數將達10萬人。他通過文藝的形式將中國傳統文化融貫於具有多元文化特色的加拿大。」


VIPs who have sent greetings to the Spectacular:

1. Jason Kenney, Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister of Canada

「….I am delighted to wish everybody a very happy, lucky and successful Chinese New Year--the year of pig. I wish everybody a great celebration with NTDTV Chinese New Year Spectacular.」

2.Jim Flaherty,Minister of Finance of Canada

「I do wish a happy new year to all of your viewers of NTD TV around the world , and I wish everyone prosperity and success in the new year.」

3. Ed Fast , MP - Abbotsford

「Thank you for inviting me to this Chinese New Year Spectacular. You』ve built our country by embracing Canadian values-values such as freedom, tolerance, love for family, and respect for each other. Above all, you value our democratic traditions which make Canada a role model for the rest of the world. I wish all of you the richest blessings and prosperity in this year of the Pig. Happy New Year to all of you 」

4. Nina Grewal, MP- Fleetwood--Port Kells

「…This year, the Chinese New Year Spectacular promises to once again prove itself as a world-renowned celebration of the true spirit of Chinese culture. This unique performance presents the best of China』s rich history and culture in way that can be enjoyed by people all over the world….. I wish the Chinese New Year Spectacular every success as it tours the world this New Year….」

5. Peter Julian, MP Burnaby-New Westminster

I am honoured to have this opportunity to express my sincere congratulations on the success of the New Tang Dynasty Television』s (NTDTV) Chinese New Year Spectacular.

This event provides a conduit for showcasing the rich and ancient tradition of Chinese culture and art for the benefit of both Western and Chinese audiences. It is a message of unification and appreciation of the rich blend of multicultural communities and values.

This event has rapidly gained international respect for providing a deeper understanding and connection to the Chinese culture and community.

I wish everyone a very happy and successful 2007!

6. Blair Wilson, MP- West Vancouver SunshineCoast Sea to sky country

「I'd like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday and a prosperous new year. Now it is the time for family and celebration, peace and good will…. I would like to extend my best wishes to NTDTV』s Chinese New Year celebration spectacular. It』s sure to be an incredible show. Happy holidays everyone! Gong Hei Fat Chai!」

7. Jagrup Brar, MLA- Surrey-Panorama Ridge

「… I wish all Chinese brothers and sisters a happy Chinese new year. I also wish NTDTV Chinese New Year Spectacular a great success. 」

8. Raj Chouhan, MLA Burnaby-Edmonds

「 I wish everyone a very happy new year. I also would like to encourage people to be part of the celebrations organized by NTD TV on January 3rd at QE Theater, which I understand it is going to be one of the most spectacular, wonderful event organized. 」

9.Gordon Hogg, MLA

「I wish Chinese community Happy New Year, Gung Hay Fat Choy! I wish NTDTV Chinese new Year Spectacular a great success! 」

10.Derek Corrigan, Burnaby Mayor

On behalf of Burnaby city council and the citizens of Burnaby, it is my pleasure to bring greetings to New Tang Dynasty Television as they introduce the 2007 Chinese New Year Spectacular.

Each year NTDTV hosts an exhilarating Chinese New Year extravaganza worldwide, where the best of Chinese music and dance come together, bringing to life the myths, legends, and divine beauty of traditional Chinese culture for Western and Chinese audiences alike. NTDTV fosters mutual understanding between Chinese and western societies and helps to promote Chinese culture, while complementing the strength and diversity of the Canadian mosaic.

We wish you best wishes and success on the 2007 Chinese New Year Spectacular Show.

11. Kenneth Georgetti, President, Canadian Labour Congress

「…I do wish all NTDTV viewers a very happy new year and success of Chinese New Year Spectacular. And I also hope that everyone has a great year--the year of the pig. 」

12. Phil Fontaine, National Chief of Assembly for First Nation

「….I am representing 633 first nation communities in Canada, approximately 100,000 first nation people. I wish NTDTV 2007 Chinese New Year Spectacular a very wonderful success. Gung Hay Fat Choy! To all our Chinese sisters and brothers in Canada, United States and China, I wish you a joyful, successful, healthy 2007—the year of the pig.」

13. Mark Weintraub, President, Canadian Jewish Congress, Pacific Region

「Gung Hay Fat Choy! This is the great pleasure that I convey on behalf of the Jewish community of BC our heart-felt wishes for each of you to enjoy great health, prosperity and friendship as we build together on more caring and compassionate society.We are excited about Chinese New Year NTDTV』s Spectacular event. We look forward to people of all faces, all backgrounds, coming together to celebrate our common values and our share commitment to human rights.」

14. Simma Holt, Member of the Order of Canada, Member of Canadian News Hall of Fame, former MP.

「I am extremely proud to wish the Chinese Community of Greater Vancouver Gung Hay Fat Choy and to welcome the New York cast of the Chinese New Year Spectacular to our city. Whatever our national and ethnic heritage, our lives are enriched with the great beauty of this Spectacular brought to us tonight at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre.

It is with pride and hope that I wish everyone here peace, joy, prosperity and justice in this wonderful start to the New Year. 」

15. Yu-Chung Lo, Director General, Taipei Economic and cultural Office, Vancouver

「 At the holiday and new year season, I'd like to wish everyone merry Christmas and happy new year !」

16. Don Lee, Vice Chair, Vancouver School Board

In recognition of its professional world class Chinese New Year Spectacular production showcasing hundreds of outstanding performing artists with an expected audience exceeding 100,000 from 26 cities across four continents for the interest of integrating Chinese cultural heritage in an entertaining way to the multicultural society of a strong and united Canada